Agriculture Minister Alaa Farouk conferred with a big delegation of China Agricultural University on means to boost cooperation in the field of agricultural scientific research.
During the meeting, Farouk asserted the depth of the historic ties between Egypt and China, saying that he is looking forward to increasing cooperation between both countries and benefiting from the Chinese expertise in the field of agriculture.
Farouk asserted that the Agriculture Ministry owns the biggest two centers for agriculture researches and desert researches and have thousands of distinguished scientists and researchers.
He pointed out that the state pays attention to increasing production via scientific research.
Meanwhile, Governor of New Valley Mohamed el Zamalout asserted the readiness of the governorate to provide the needed lands to establish any research or investment projects, asserting the depth of distinguished ties between Egypt and China, especially after Egypt's inclusion in the BRICS.
Meanwhile, the head of the Chinese delegation reviewed the efforts of the Chinese university in the field of developing types of seeds and fertilizers, pointing out to a new type of wheat that bears saltiness and drought and achieves a production that reaches to over 5 tons per feddan.
Farouk gave directives to try this type of wheat in Egypt in addition to benefiting from important applied scientific researches which contribute to bridging the food gap of strategic crops.