Zimbabwe: Govt Lifts Ban On Imports of Vehicles More Than 10 Years Old

THE Government of Zimbabwe has lifted the ban on importation of cars older than 10 years.

In a notice in the Government Gazette, authorities say vehicles can now be brought into the country if they meet certain criteria. These include inherited cars, those of returning citizens and diplomats.

The latest SI 111 of 2024 [CAP. 14:05] Control of Goods (Import and Export) (Commerce) (Amendment) Regulations. 2024 (No. 11) has necessitated the development.

"It is hereby notified that the Minister of Industry and Commerce, in terms of section 4(1) of the Control of Goods (Import and Export) (Commerce) Regulations, 1974, published in Rhodesia Government Notice 766 of 1974, hereby makes the following regulations:-Notwithstanding section 3(1), second hand motor vehicles aged ten years and above belonging to the following shall be allowed entry into Zimbabwe, deceased estates (inherited motor vehicles); or diplomats returning to Zimbabwe from their postings abroad; or returning residents," reads the lastest regulations.In March this year, authorities banned the importation of vehicles more than 10 years old under Statutory Instrument (SI) 54 of 2024 Control of Good (Import and Export) (Commerce) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 (No 10), which regulated that anyone who brings into the country a second-hand vehicle aged 10 years and above shall bear the costs of re-exportation.

Government emphasised that vehicles purchased before the outdated SI 54 of 2024, should be cleared before 30 days of the new law.

"The said motor vehicle should be below ten (10) years upon completion of all Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) clearance processes-Import licences will not be processed or issued for used motor vehicles purchased and consigned after the promulgation of Sl 54 of 2024 even in cases of delays with any authority.

"For vehicles purchased and consigned before promulgation of SI 54 of 2024, issuance of import licences and ZIMRA clearance for 30 days from the date of publication of this notice", further reads the regulations.

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