South Africa: COGTA Minister Hlabisa Warns Failing Municipalities They'll Be Dissolved - and New Elections Held


Newly appointed Cooperative Governance Minister Velenkosini Hlabisa has vowed to crack the whip on underperforming municipalities.

Speaking at the sidelines of the Cabinet lekgotla over the weekend, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Minister Velenkosini Hlabisa set out his key priorities for his department.

Hlabisa, the leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), was appointed to the Cabinet as part of the Government of National Unity, which was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa two weeks ago.

"I am looking forward that we will find each other over the next few days, because indeed the voters said we must work together. The seventh administration must ensure that the voters must see the value of their vote in putting governance at all levels.

"There is no point in having a president of a country [or] minister, if they are not performing. It is equally no point to have a mayor [or] councillor who [is] not delivering services; their existence is valueless to the community," he said.


Hlabisa emphasised the importance of political stability at the local government level.

"The local government sphere is a very important sphere of governance, because it is the closest sphere of where people are. The local government is responsible for efficient service delivery. Our priority is to ensure stability in local...

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