Somalia: Somali National Army Thwarts Landmine Threat in Galgaduud

The Somali National Army (SNA) successfully thwarted landmines planted by Al-Shabaab in the Galgaduud region, central Somalia. These operations, aimed at countering Al-Shabaab's insurgency, focused on the road connecting the town of Mesagaway and the Barag Sheikh Aamir area.

A brief message on the state run media said:

"The Khawarij (Al-Shabaab) groups intended to use mines to harm civilians traveling on that road, but the National Army prevented them."

The SNA shared photos of the confiscated items with the public. The Mines Division of the national forces carried out the demining operation.

Al-Shabaab employs various warfare tactics, including planting landmines, shootings, poisoning wells, and coercing locals not to cooperate with government and military authorities who reclaim territories previously controlled by the group.

The group came to be known as al-Shabaab, meaning "the Youth," since 2006 has been trying to topple Somalia's central government and establish rule based on its strict interpretation of Islamic law.

On June 24, 2024, a mine explosion in the Golaley area of Balcad district, Middle Shabelle region, resulted in the deaths of more than five civilians and injured eight others. The incident occurred when a vehicle carrying civilians hit a roadside mine shortly after African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troops passed the area. Balcad District Commissioner Qasim Ali Nor confirmed the casualties.

"The deceased were all civilians traveling from the fields to Mogadishu. Five are dead, and eight are injured. These Khawarij men do not differentiate between the public and the government, and they began targeting civilians when government and ATMIS forces did not pursue them," said Qasim Nor.


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