Uganda: Mubende Watchman's Murder Shocks School

St Andrew Kaggwa Secondary School community and the surrounding villages were in shock Tuesday after their night watchman was found dead in the morning.

Mr Paskal Rukundo was found dead along the road near the school located in Madudu Sub-county in Mubende District.

Mr Edward Habiyaremye, the Subcounty chairperson, had left the community at a loss while the school in particular was was badly hit.

"You can see all students are crying because this night watchman has been a friend to them so they cannot concentrate in classes," he said.

Mr Habiyaremye suspects that Rukundo was killed.

Wamala Region Police spokesperson Rachael Kawala said police were treating the death as a murder and that they had opened investigations to establish the facts.

Mike Batte, who has been a close friend to the deceased, told the Nile Post that he shared a drink with Rukundo at around 5pm the evening before.

"Rukundo had just received his monthly salary and when he got the salary he buys us beers but its unfortunately they killed him yet he has been an easy man in the community," Batte said.

The deceased had been in the school's service for three years and was also a parent at the same school.

"Our school has lost a very hardworking person who of all years been committed to his job regardless of challenges he has been facing," Batte added.

Joseph Batanyaga, the defence secretary for Madudu Village where the incident happened, said they found the Rukundo on the roadside at around 6am.

Initially, they thought he had drunk too much.

"Realising he was dead, we rushed to the police station in Madudu to inform the Police on what had happened," says Batanyaga.

Hilary Ssalongo Nsubuga, the headteacher for St Andrew Kaggwa, said the school has lost a hardworking support staff.

Lydia Ayinembabazi, the head prefect, at around 6am, they found the school gate closed which was unusual.

Police have taken the body to Mubende Regional Referral Hospital for Postmortem.

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