Uganda: Speaker Anita Among - Parliament Committed to Working With the Church

Kampala, Uganda — Parliament is committed to working with the Church to promote and protect biblical values, the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, has assured Christians.

"As Parliament, we pledge our unwavering support towards making laws that are good for humanity, respect for family and gives value to biblical teachings," she said as she graced the ordination of new priests for Soroti Catholic Diocese on Saturday 13 July 2024.

Among, who advised the new priests to be good shepherds, witnessed the ordination of six deacons into priesthood and one seminarian into deaconate in the event presided over by the Bishop of Soroti Catholic Diocese, Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Eciru Oliach at Regina Caeli Cathedral site in Aminit, Soroti.

The Vice President, Jessica Alupo, and several Members of Parliament, attended the event.

"We thank you (priests) for accepting to serve God because it is a noble calling. Do it with utmost dedication," Among said.

In his sermon, Bishop Eciru encouraged the newly ordained priests and deacon to be frontliners of the church, saying priesthood is a daunting task that requires total dedication and sacrifice.

"Priesthood is not for jokers, it is a daunting task and therefore, it is business and not picnic. You are ordained for the glory of the Lord and salvation of souls... At all costs, save souls. If you do this, you will live in peace and die as a saint," Bishop Eciru said.

He also urged Christians to remain resolute and pray at all times.

"Members of Team Jesus must be resolute. For this to happen, prayer is indispensable. A catholic without prayer is the same as a soldier without arms. So, as we pray for you, you should also pray for us. Work as you pray, and also pray as you work," he said.

President Yoweri Museveni in his message delivered by Alupo congratulated the new priests, saying their ordination is a testimony of their devotion to God and the Catholic Church.

He urged the church to preach the gospel of wealth creation so that communities embrace government programmes like Emyooga and Parish Development Model to create wealth and alleviate them from poverty.

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