Sudan: Foreign Ministry - RSF Militia Still Continues Its Malicious Plan to Cause Famine in Sudan

Port Sudan — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Tuesday in which it said, "The terrorist Janjaweed militia, under the supervision of its regional sponsors, continues its malicious plan to cause famine in the country, by deliberately and systematically disrupting agricultural activity in food production areas, intimidating farmers, and destroying the infrastructure of the agricultural sector, as well as the looting of agricultural machinery, seeds, and crops of the winter and summer seasons."

The Ministry added, "The ultimate goal of the plan is to evacuate the production areas from their people and replace them with militia members and foreign mercenaries."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that "due to this terrorist campaign, production was disrupted in parts of Gezira Scheme for the first time in a hundred years, in addition to threatening the agricultural season in the states of Sennar and Blue Nile and the Al-Rahad Scheme."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs bore "Al-Daglo terrorist militia and its sponsoring countries" the main responsibility for creating and planning this crisis.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs concluded its statement by saying, "The Government of Sudan reminds the international and regional community of this, and the necessity of confronting those behind this plan aimed at starving and impoverishing the people of Sudan." BH/BH

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