Former president Jacob Zuma was due to appear before the ANC's National Disciplinary Committee on Wednesday, but was a no-show at the virtual meeting. Zuma sent his ally Tony Yengeni to represent him and persuade the NDC to have the hearing in person.
Listen to this article 7 min Listen to this article 7 min Former president Jacob Zuma, the leader of the uMkhonto Wesizwe (MK) party, was a no-show at his ANC National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) hearing, which was held virtually on Wednesday.
MK spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndhlela confirmed that Zuma had delegated his ally and one of President Cyril Ramaphosa's biggest critics, ANC member Tony Yengeni, to attend on his behalf and represent him.
The ANC's constitution allows for a person facing disciplinary charges to be represented by a party member in good standing.
A senior ANC leader said the hearing began at 11.30 without Zuma but with Yengeni, who was instructed to persuade the NDC leadership to postpone the hearing and have it held physically at the party's headquarters, Luthuli House in Johannesburg.
On Wednesday evening, the MK party issued a statement saying that Yengeni had attended the hearing to convey the message that Zuma preferred an in-person hearing as had previously been agreed between him and the ANC. Zuma not only wanted a physical hearing, but for it to be opened to the public.
"After a lengthy debate, the NDC ruled that the matter will proceed on the virtual platform....