South Africa: VBS Heist - - Take Us to Court Guys - - Anytime, Anywhere

The EFF has been silent since Pauli van Wyk challenged the party to a debate in front of a judge.

Threats to sue journalists for defamation are as regular as mosquitoes in the room on a humid night. Scorpio's Pauli van Wyk, who for years has been investigating the VBS bank heist and the EFF's role in it, has repeatedly requested all who wish to sue to "bring it on".

This week the people's advocate, Dali "Will Not Work For Peanuts" Mpofu, came out to bat for EFF owners-in-chief (OIC) Julius Malema and Floyd Shivambu, after career-shattering allegations of corruption by former VBS chair Tshifhiwa Matodzi.

Matodzi has been sentenced to 15 years for his role in the orchestrated scheme to rob the bank of about R1.9-billion in deposits made by pensioners, hard-working South Africans and municipalities. The EFF twosome bagged about R16.1-million in spoils.

Matodzi's whopper of an affidavit, in which he sang like a hadeda on tik, was leaked last week and there has been an eerie radio silence from Malema and Shivambu since then.

They are usually such bruisers and screamers at hastily convened EFF press conferences.

But ignoring this VBS torpedo is not going to make it go away.

On X, Mpofu labelled Van Wyk "an unrepentant liar". He went on: "you can mislead your unsuspecting...

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