Somalia: More Than 100 Al-Shabaab Fighters Killed in Jubbaland, Somalia

Reports are emerging from the Lower Juba region near the Kenya border, where over 100 Al-Shabaab fighters were killed in clashes early Monday.

The Somali National Army and Jubbaland Dervishes showcased a significant number of captured weapons today, following a battle near the town of Afmadow, about 215 km from Kismayo, Jubaland's interim capital. Photos and videos released by government media displayed a variety of captured weaponry. Military officials claimed substantial gains in the Harboole area of Lower Jubba.

Officials reported that the National Army successfully foiled an Al-Shabaab attack in the Harboole area early Monday morning, resulting in six casualties of the SNA. Harboole, situated between Afmadow and Janay Abdalle, lies on a crucial road connecting the Lower and Middle Jubba regions, from where Al-Shabaab was recently captured.

Jubaland state leader Ahmed Mohamed Islam praised the forces for what he described as a historic victory in Lower Jubba.

"Today, our brave forces in Jubaland, alongside the national military, secured a significant triumph in parts of the Lower Juba region," he said, adding: "According to military officials, 135 insurgents were killed in the operation, and over 80 were wounded and captured."

Local media indicated that over 200 Al-Shabaab fighters, including those injured in the morning attack, were targeted by airstrikes from allied forces in Dalayad, about 18 km from Badhadhe district.

Jubaland security agencies confirmed that the aerial assault inflicted significant losses on Al-Shabaab. Numerous weapons were also recovered in this morning's battle.

There is currently no independent verification of the government's reported casualty numbers for Al-Shabaab. The group claimed on their social media that they achieved the objective of their attack this morning. This claim also requires an independent confirmation.

The Al-Shabaab group, meaning "the Youth," since 2006 has been trying to topple Somalia's central government and establish rule based on its interpretation of Islamic law.

The state's leader Ahmed Mohamed Islam emphasized the importance of unity in the fight against Al-Shabaab. "I call on the Somali nation to unite for our country's liberation so we can defeat the enemy determined to destroy us," he said.

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