Zimbabwe: 'Let's Always Adhere to Constitutionalism'

Joseph Madzimure, Senior Reporter

THERE is need to nurture an unflinching sense of respect for the Zanu PF Constitution, values and dictates within the party, President Mnangagwa has said.

Addressing the 377th Ordinary Session of the Politburo in Harare yesterday, the President, who is the First Secretary of the revolutionary party, said all organs of Zanu PF must discharge their duties within the set regulations and continue putting shoulder to the wheel for national development.

"Meanwhile, the need to nurture an unflinching sense of respect for our party Constitution must always be emphasised. Adherence to principle, honesty and integrity must remain the hallmark of party leaders and the membership in general," said President Mnangagwa.

The Politburo meeting was held after the successful convening of the quarterly meetings of the party's Central Committee and National Consultative Assembly.

These important organs of Zanu PF provide an invaluable barometer and insights into the issues affecting the grassroots.

"As we reflect on the outcome of those meetings, both party and Government must move forward meticulously to address and improve efficiencies in the manner we organise, mobilise and implement policies and projects," said President Mnangagwa.

He emphasised the need to speed up the cell/village registration exercise and ensure an effective deployment of Information Communication Technologies for a verifiable party membership database.

"Similarly, clarifications regarding party mobilisation, restructuring and co-options as well as disciplinary procedures must be clearly explained to our structures. In this regard, our constitution is the fundamental point of reference.

"The effective deployment of Information Communication Technologies for a comprehensive, authentic and verifiable party membership database is taking too long.

"Where there are hurdles, challenges must be identified and the requisite technical partnerships sought to bring traction to this issue. We have talked enough and now demand concrete results," said President Mnangagwa.

He also commended Zimbabweans for the prevailing unity and peace, which is the foundation of development that is being witnessed across the country.

The President added that success stories of the party must be amplified.

"The recent Zimbabwe Irrigation Investment Conference was a resounding success and injected over US$200 million into expanding the country's irrigation infrastructure," said President Mnangagwa.

All party structures, he said, should be active in the processes of innovation as well as discovering and opening up new opportunities for the modernisation and industrialisation of the country.

Community engagements and mobilisation at grassroots level, President Mnangagwa said, must be a source of inspiration and motivation towards entrepreneurship, practical action, increased production and productivity that accelerates the attainment of Vision 2030.

"The Mutare Teachers College Baobab Fruit Juice and Water Bottling Plant, which I commissioned earlier this month, is another achievement under our innovation and science-driven education and commitment to the agenda of rural industrialisation".

The President said the party leadership should be at the forefront of ensuring that citizens understand how the economy benefits from regional integration and the hosting of the 44th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government.

"In line with our Engagement and re- Engagement Policy as well as our economic diplomacy thrust, side-line events such as the SADC Industrialisation Week, along with other bi-lateral partnerships, should be leveraged to accelerate holistic, sustainable and inclusive development.

"So far, inroads are being realised as evidenced by the signing of the Agreement on the establishment of the Ponta Techobanine Deep-Water Port and Limpopo Railway Line Project, connecting Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botswana.

"In the area of sustainable land use, conservation, natural resource and wildlife management, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia, signed the Memorandum of Agreement on the ZIMOZA Trans-Frontier Conservation Area," said President Mnangagwa.

These and other transboundary projects, he said, are critical building blocks for the speedy attainment of not only key national development aspirations, but enhance cooperation and deepen economic integration towards shared prosperity and the Africa we all want.

As such, added the President, Zanu PF remains preoccupied with the politics of development and lifting many people out of poverty into prosperity.

"To speed up results in this regard, let us strive to see our party renewed, enriched, growing and becoming stronger. The leagues are urged to be continuously open to receive and timely respond to the views of our people.

"Every level of leadership must demonstrate that Zanu PF stands ready to roll up its sleeves and toil alongside the communities, towards improving their quality of life. In implementing our policies and projects, no one and no place will be left behind," President Mnangagwa said.

He commended Traditional Chiefs from Matabeleland North, Matabeleland South and Midlands Provinces, churches, together with other stakeholders, for their commitment towards finding closure to the country's past unfortunate experiences.

"To this end, my launch of the Gukurahundi Community Outreach Programme in Bulawayo on the 14th of July, was historic and will have positive impacts on our quest for lasting and durable national cohesion, love and harmony. Zimbabwe is a peaceful, indivisible and unitary state. We are one and united in our diversity," President Mnangagwa said.

A minute of silence was observed in honour and memory of the late national heroes Retired Brigadier Generals Lameck Mutanda and Michael Chaminuka, who died in the intervening period and were conferred with the status of National Hero.

The Politburo also honoured other heroes and heroines who passed on across the provinces.

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