Kenya: Rousing Welcome for President Ruto in Mombasa After Naming Joho to Cabinet

Nairobi — President William Ruto received a warm reception in Mombasa on Thursday, a day after nominating former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho to his Cabinet.

This rousing welcome came amid ongoing street protests by youths demanding the President's resignation and greater government accountability for a better future. One of their key demands was the dismissal of the entire Cabinet.

While President Ruto did reshuffle the Cabinet, he retained more than half of the former ministers and included new appointments, such as Joho, as part of his effort to create a "broad-based" and inclusive government.

"That is why I have nominated Joho to my Cabinet because we want to have a more inclusive government," President Ruto told the enthusiastic crowd in Mombasa, who responded with thunderous applause.

The President is on a three-day development tour of the Coastal region. Upon his arrival, he was met with a heroic welcome from hundreds of residents.

Addressing the cheerful crowd, President Ruto reiterated his commitment to fulfilling promises made to the local fishermen, announcing an allocation of Sh800 million to the fishing sector to create opportunities for young people.

During his visit, President Ruto also promised to address power connectivity issues, ensuring every household gains access to electricity. He plans to open a local market and tackle water supply problems in the region.

The President encouraged the locals to support his recent Cabinet nominees, including former Governor Joho, who he appointed as the Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Mining, Fishing, and Blue Economy. Joho's nomination, along with that of former CS Salim Mvurya to the Ministry of Trade, was well-received by the Mombasa residents.

"I appointed a new batch of Cabinet nominees. People of Mombasa, I ask you to support Ali Hassan Joho as a minister in my government. Are you in agreement?" President Ruto asked, receiving affirmative responses from the crowd. "I have also nominated one of your own, Salim Mvurya, to become the Minister for Trade to help us address the issue of unemployment for young people."

The President emphasized that these appointments were made to ensure that developmental issues and grievances in the Coastal region are addressed by leaders from the area.

Several Coastal leaders, including opposition figures such as Mombasa Governor Abdullswamad Sherrif Nassir, Mvita MP Machele Mohamed, Nyali MP Mohammed Ali, Changamwe MP Omar Mwinyi, and County Assembly Speaker Aharub Khatri, were present to welcome President Ruto.

The local leaders and residents expressed their approval of the President's decisions with enthusiastic cheers and applause.

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