Uganda: Parliament Is Not Wasting Taxpayers Money - Tayebwa

6 August 2024

Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa has denied allegations that Parliament is misusing taxpayers' money to fund luxurious clothing for the Speaker and himself.

In response to concerns raised by Denis Oguzu, MP for Maracha County, Tayebwa clarified that the only items funded by the public are the traditional wigs and coats worn during plenary sittings.

"The only items we wear that are funded by the public are the wigs and coats we wear while presiding over plenary sittings. That's it, "Tayebwa said.

Oguzu had sought clarification on reports suggesting that the offices of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker have a budget line for clothing and beddings, which he believed cast Parliament in a bad light.

Tayebwa's response aimed to set the record straight and reassure the public that Parliament is transparent and accountable in its expenditure.

"We are not using taxpayers' money to buy luxurious suits and dresses," he reiterated.

This clarification comes as a relief to those concerned about parliamentary expenditure, and highlights the importance of accurate information in maintaining public trust.

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