Mozambique: Technical-Vocational Education Reaches Over 100,000

Maputo — Technical and Vocational Education in Mozambique reached, over the last year, a total of 106,992 students, compared to 93,463 reached in 2020.

According to Acissa Carimo, the Secretary of State for Technical and Vocational Education (SEETP), who was speaking, on Monday, in Maputo, during the presentation of the Technical-Vocational Education Gender Strategy and its 2025-2029 Action Plan, "these figures represent an increase of 14.4 per cent. During the same period, female participation grew from 51 to 61 per cent.' Carimo said that the government is working to increase the participation of women in the industrial sector, through the implementation of the Technical-Vocational Education Gender Strategy.

The strategy is being developed in partnership with the German government, through the Programme for the Promotion of Vocational Education and Employment (PEPE), launched in August 2023.

"It is important to promote access to education for women in the industrial sector, due to gender inequalities in technical and vocational education. The Gender Strategy for Technical and Vocational Education aims, above all, to encourage girl retention and adherence to industrial courses', she said.

"The success of this strategy depends on the collaboration of all managers, trainers, partners and civil society. That's why we're counting on your expertise to make this instrument more realistic and comprehensive', she said.

For his part, the PEPE representative, Danifo Chutumia, said that the strategy seeks to respond not only to the presence of women in technical and professional education, but also to solve problems of disparity in qualifications in the industrial and technological field.

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