Zimbabwe: Diplomats, Opposition Members Hail Heroes Day

13 August 2024

Blessings Chidakwa — Foreign diplomats yesterday saluted Zimbabweans for taking time to celebrate Heroes Day, saying it was a step in the right direction to always have a touching reminder of the men and women who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and sovereignty of Zimbabwe.

Those gathered at the shrine included diplomats, members of the opposition parties and local business people who saluted the gallant heroes, saying the political field and business environment being enjoyed in the country was not possible back then.

Zambia's envoy to Zimbabwe Ambassador Derick Livune said the Heroes' Day is an important occasion in remembering freedom fighters that sacrificed their lives for all to benefit.

"People must know where they came from, they must know where they are, and they must know where they are going. So, it is important to commemorate so that we can continue passing on this history to the generations that are coming now. So, I want to congratulate Zimbabwe on this day for honouring and celebrating this important National Day," he said.

Palestine Ambassador to Zimbabwe Dr Tamer Almassri congratulated the Zimbabwean people and its leadership, the Government for upholding the legacy and sincerity in remembering the sacrifices of heroes who sacrificed lives for their great nation.

"I think after 44 years of independence, it gave us a list of how revolutionary leadership can be faithful to the issues of the freedom fighters who struggled against the apartheid regime in what was called Southern Rhodesia.

"And I am sure the best way to be faithful to the legacy of the struggle in Zimbabwe is to protect the independence and to cut any attempt of foreigners to play in Zimbabwe's arena" he said.

Businessman Dr Paul Tungwarara said before independence black emancipation was a pipe dream. "You can only do business in a country which has got freedom and peace which we are witnessing today. Without such there is nothing one can do.

"Some of the projects being done by us youths were hard to venture into before independence; they were only reserved for whites. I am glad that as black youths we are penetrating in all spheres," he said.

CCC top official and Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume said the sacrifices of the heroes of yesterday were important for all Zimbabweans as it would have been difficult for a young politician like himself to have been a mayor during that time, had these sacrifices not been met.

"So, we are who we are because of the sacrifices of those that went before us. No family in this country is not touched by the history of the liberation struggle in one way or the other.

"So, it is very important for us to remember our foundation and the genesis of who we are. It is a time to set political differences aside. Political parties exist because people fought for the liberation of this country," he said.

Mayor Mafume said it was important to recognise the effort, to commemorate the effort, and to always remember that the nation is built upon the sacrifices of those that went before, so that people can get the courage to be inspired to develop the country for everyone.

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