South Africa: KZN COGTA Budget to Empower Traditional Leadership, Enhance Local Governance

KwaZulu-Natal Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) MEC, Thulasizwe Buthelezi, has presented the department's R1.8 billion, which is aimed at bolstering traditional leadership, enhancing local governance, and driving community development in the province.

Tabling the department's budget before the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature this week, Buthelezi said one of the cornerstones of the budget is the empowerment of amakhosi as cultural custodians.

To foster collaboration and address challenges faced by traditional communities, Buthelezi announced the KwaZulu-Natal Indaba, a summit which will bring together government officials, amakhosi, academics, and other stakeholders.

"The indaba will focus on challenges facing the institution of traditional leadership and come up with innovative solutions that will be to the benefit of communities and amakhosi," Buthelezi said.

The MEC also announced the formation of a panel, including royal children, in a bid to address long-standing challenges of succession disputes within royal families.

"This panel will leverage their cultural authority and deep understanding of traditional practices to help families resolve disputes. Their goal is to achieve fair and culturally sensitive resolutions, uphold the legitimacy of traditional leadership, and foster community unity," Buthelezi explained.

Over R350 million to strengthen local government

Buthelezi said an innovative approach, emphasising accountability and collaboration, will be implemented, with a focus on improving municipal performance in governance, finance and service delivery.

An amount of R352 million has been allocated to strengthen local government.

To support struggling municipalities, Buthelezi said the department will develop a Municipal Support Improvement Plan and a Provincial Discretionary Intervention Standard Operating Procedure.

"Infrastructure development, disaster management and local economic support will receive R257 million. This funding will enhance the department's ability to respond to disasters and assist municipalities in maximising grant expenditure.

The administrative arm of COGTA will be allocated R490 million to optimise departmental operations and foster a skilled workforce. This investment aims to create an environment conducive to sustainable development in KwaZulu-Natal," Buthelezi said.

Buthelezi further announced that the department will partner with higher education institutions to provide targeted training and building capacity within the institution of traditional leadership.

He emphasised the importance of these initiatives in achieving a developmental State and improving the lives of the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

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