Morocco: Cannabis Cultivation - Royal Pardon Brought Comfort to Hearts of Parents, Children - Beneficiaries

Ouazzane — The families of beneficiaries of the Royal Pardon granted by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, on the occasion of the anniversary of the King and People's Revolution, from the province of Ouezzane, expressed, in statements to MAP, their deep gratitude to the Sovereign, affirming that this Royal High Solicitude has brought comfort to the hearts of their parents and children.

The mother of a beneficiary of the Royal Pardon, from the village of Bensbika in the Zoumi commune, stated that His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect Him, has filled the hearts of mothers with joy, emphasizing that this Royal gesture, with its profound human significance, has also paved the way for the sons of the region to access dignified employment within a structured economy capable of driving real progress in the local economy.

For his part, Abdeslem Z. expressed his immense joy at benefiting from this Royal Pardon, which "offers us a new chance in life and a fresh start" to embark on a regulated economic activity, allowing farmers to live a dignified life, far from any illegal practices.

He added that the joy was twofold, thanks to this humanitarian Royal Initiative, with family reunions and the transition to regulated agricultural activities, enabling those concerned to live without fear and in complete freedom.

F. Issef, the wife of a beneficiary of the Royal Pardon, from the village of Bensbika, expressed her deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks to His Majesty the King, "who has alleviated the sorrow of the families of the beneficiaries," affirming that this noble initiative of the Sovereign will remain etched in the minds of the region's population.

Omar C., from the Douar Azarif, expressed indescribable joy at regaining freedom and the warmth of family, thanks to the Royal Pardon, emphasizing that this magnanimous gesture has opened up new perspectives for beneficiaries and their loved ones to engage in economic activities with dignity and stability.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the King and People's Revolution, His Majesty King Mohammed VI granted His Pardon to 4,831 individuals who were convicted, prosecuted, or sought in cases related to cannabis cultivation and who met the required conditions to benefit from the Pardon.

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