Zimbabwe Does Not Need Opposition Politics - Says Chamisa Amid Backlash Over His 'Strategic Ambiguity'

Nelson Chamisa.

FORMER Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa contends that Zimbabwe's political landscape needs a shift beyond the current opposition parties.

Chamisa, who has been under scrutiny since leaving CCC, says alternative politics is the panacea to the problems bedeviling the country.

"Zimbabwe and politics need new politics, not opposition but alternative politics," said Chamisa posting on social media.

The youthful leader was on the receiving end of criticism with observers lashing out at him over his inaction amidst crackdown on political opponents by the government ahead of the just-ended Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit held in Harare.

Nearly 80 members, including Senator Jameson Timba, from his former party are languishing in remand prison following their arrest while having a barbecue at a private residence in Harare.

Since dumping CCC early this year citing infiltration by Zanu PF elements, Chamisa has kept his supporters guessing on his next political move in what he terms "strategic ambiguity." He has been getting flake for issuing Bible verses at a time supporters were expecting him to make decisive action, with some expecting him to lead peaceful street protests.

The charismatic politician-cum-lawyer exited from CCC after self-imposed secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu recalled elected party officials leaving the opposition in turmoil.

This has also been a point of criticism on why Chamisa left CCC without mapping a political party he would embark on.

Chamisa also shrugged off accusations of financial misappropriation during his tenure as the leader of CCC.

"I'm an open book. I have nothing to hide. I live narrow and straight. I seek peace not war. I speak love, not hate! The future is happiness," said Chamisa.

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