Lucala — Over 200 teachers from various schools in Lucala municipality, Cuanza Norte province are currently improving teaching techniques and classroom utilization strategies.
The training, which is part of the preparations for the 2024/2025 school year to start on September 2, aims at primary and secondary education teachers.
Participants will also discuss the new legal regime to assess the performance of education agents.
Speaking at the opening of the event, Lucala municipal administrator, Maria de Lourdes Salgado, emphasized the importance of the training, given the current dynamics of the teaching and learning process.
She urged teachers to dignify educational institutions with the quality that is required and to behave fairly and honestly when carrying out their activities.
He also urged them to constantly update their knowledge through research, with the aim of keeping the syllabus increasingly modernized, from the theoretical to practical component.
'You are the mirror of this society, since no one becomes a good professional without passing through the hands of a good teacher. That's why your good performance will be reflected in society,' she said.EFM/DS/YD/DAN/AMP