Algeria: International Media - Election Programmes Close to People's Expectations,

Algiers — Several international media covering the presidential election of September 7 in Algeria pointed out that the programmes of the candidates were centred on the concerns of the citizens, noting a strong presence of women in campaign meetings and events.

Under the headline "Presidential election in Algeria: Do election programmes meet people's expectations?", Sputnik news agency took a closer look at the candidates' programmes which, as per the experts interviewed, "arouse the interest of people, and the young in particular," mentioning the commitments to make more economic achievements, create jobs and ensure two permanent seats for Africa at the UN Security Council.

Asharq Al-Awsat daily newspaper noted that the presidential candidates had focused, in the election campaign, on the themes that interest the Algerians, based on answers given by polled people.

Under the headline "Algeria targeted," Al-Quds Al-Arabi daily stressed the threats facing the country, against which the three candidates warned in their respective programmes.

The Egyptian newspaper Youm.7 underlined the statements made by the independent candidate, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, at a meeting Sunday in Oran, in which he said that Algeria would continue its UN efforts until Palestine became a full member of the United Nations and the Zionist occupier be brought to the international justice for the massacres it committed against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The news website Ultra Algerie noted the strong presence of women in the election campaign, and the importance given to them in the programmes of the presidential candidates.

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