The true cost of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme failures, a webinar on women's land struggles in post-apartheid South Africa, and a musical event raising funds for students in need.
On Monday, 26 August at 9am, there will be a webinar on sub-regional training on the UN legally binding instrument for transnational corporations and other business enterprises in the Africa region.
Legal experts present will include Obert Bore, Apollin Koagne and Darlington Chidarara.
Zoom details:
ID: 813 3502 2418
Passcode: 288567
On Tuesday, 27 August at 7pm, Youth Capital will host a webinar on the true cost of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme failures.
"The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has a clear mission - to alleviate financial constraints for admission to post-school education and training for those who are academically qualified. However, NSFAS has been in the news for all the wrong reasons - from corruption and mismanagement of funds to late payments. We're counting the true cost of the NSFAS saga on the lives of young people - from being forced to drop out of university, poor mental health and their futures," reads the event description.
Register here.
On Wednesday, 28 August at 2pm, the University of the Western Cape in collaboration with the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies will host a webinar on women's land struggles in post-apartheid South Africa.
"Many South...