South Africa: Disgraced Mkhwebane Should Pay Back Money, Not Expect to Get More

The fact that the state has had to allocate resources that could have been used more constructively to the betterment of all South Africans should shame Busisiwe Mkhwebane and her misguided supporters.

Listen to this article 4 min Listen to this article 4 min It could only be in some sort of dystopian world in which a person who has been disgracefully dismissed from high office by way of impeachment would still expect to be paid out a gratuity that is meant to be an acknowledgement of "a job well done".

So the mind boggles at how disgraced former public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane would mount a legal challenge against her not getting a gratuity to the tune of R10-million of taxpayers' money for doing what can only be considered shoddy work during her tenure.

This is a far cry from her predecessor Thuli Madonsela's sterling record. Madonsela reinvigorated what was once a little-known institution into a formidable sword and shield in defence of the well-being of our people.

We may remember that Mkhwebane went from embarrassing case to embarrassing case in which her legal knowledge and understanding of the law and, alarmingly, the Constitution, were found to be lacking.

In fact, I think it's worth a reminder that the reason she was impeached is because a section 194 inquiry found that she was guilty of misconduct and incompetence.

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