Mozambique: Public Services Shut Down

Frelimo is mobilising staff from various sectors of the public administration for the election campaign activities, which has forced the paralysis of public services in many places this week. Our correspondents have verified this in Massinga, Inhambane. In Ibo, Cabo Delgado, staff of the District Planning and Infrastructure Services and the District Economic Activities Services were taking part in the campaign.
On Tuesday 27 August, the District Planning and Infrastructure Services and the District Health Directorate in Caia, Sofala, were closed because the staff attended the rally given by the Frelimo presidential candidate, Daniel Chapo.
In Mutarara, Tete, the Economic Activities and Education Sectors closed their doors completely so that staff could go to the campaign of the Frelimo candidate, Daniel Chapo. But the health directorate and the Nhamayabue Municipal Council left one staff member to guard the doors.
Many public administration workers in Ngaúma, Niassa, are participating in the Frelimo campaign, compromising attendance to the public.

State cars continue to be used, for example in Morrumbene, Inhambane. In Murrupula, Nampula, a vehicle with the number plate AGJ 674 MP belonging to the District Economic Activities Services is being used in the campaign. And the car of the district administrator is being used to transport supporters of the Frelimo party to the peripheral areas.

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