Ethiopia: Keeping Youth's Health Indispensable to Transform Economy - Officials

Keeping the health of the youth requires great consideration to achieve holistic development, Officials said yesterday, while attending the 5th National Adolescents and Youth Health Forum.

Opening the forum, Health Minister Mekdes Daba (MD) said that youth's health issues require proactive efforts of all sectors to address the ongoing challenges.

The forum sought to bring about a tangible change to ensure the mental and physical health of the youth, that's why the government has given due attention, she stated.

Accordingly, she stated that her ministry is working to provide timely health information to counter the ongoing misinformation in the sector.

Addressing sexual related health problems, delivering timely and verified health information, ensuring persons with disability access to health services, among others are the top priorities of the ministry regarding youths, she said.

Moreover, health services in industrial parks and youth centers, and school health programs are among the ongoing activities being undertaken regarding the protection of youth's health, she added.

On his part, Education Minister Brehanu Nega (Prof.) said that ensuring nutritional security is fundamental to enable the youths to be healthy both mentally and physically.

Thus, the ministry is taking various measures and mobilizing supports to keep the health of the youths in order to help them achieving their ambitions, he noted.

As to him, stunting is posing a serious challenge in some parts of the country.

Thus, he indicated that expanding health education and other tangible works is required to promote the health of youths.

"The new generation should be mentally and physically fit and the ministry is working with pertinent stakeholders to create a suitable environment in schools. The generation should also be ready to confront the challenges of globalization and its impact," he said.

Adulthood is a period of golden opportunity if utilized properly and Ethiopia embraces a greater number of youths that can significantly contribute to revolutionize a sustainable development, Women and Social Affairs Minister Ergoge Tesfaye (PhD)said.

Investing in youths should be the priority of the country to maintain the health of the future generations, she stressed.

Therefore, she noted that it is important to create more awareness on sexual related health, addiction, and other bad habits.

Currently, there are more than 3,000 youth centers throughout the country where more awareness creation is being carried out to build the mental and physical health of the youth, she stated.

The forum, themed "Access and quality: responsive health system for all adolescents and youth" was attended by ministers, youths, and development partners representatives.



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