Mozambique: Frelimo Chooses Polling Stations Heads in Mandimba

Mandimba district STAE's list of 65 candidates for provincial trainers of polling station staff (MMVs) are all public administration staff and all are members of Frelimo. More than half are teachers. And they will all be chairs (returning officers) of polling stations on voting day. Mandimba will have 113 polling stations. This means that more than half of the polling stations already have a Frelimo chair. The list includes school directors, pedagogical directors, former managers of STAE and staff of the district services, all controlled by Frelimo.

All were told to apply for both posts by phone calls made from the Mandimba Frelimo District Committee. CIP Eleições knows that some of these people are involved in the Frelimo election campaign.

Meanwhile two teachers run the risk of being transferred to more remote parts of the district because it was discovered that they are sympathisers of the Democratic Alliance Coalition (CAD), which supported Venâncio Mondlane.

The full list of 65 trainers is on:

In Macate, 27 civic education agents who have been involved since the electoral census have been automatically enrolled as MMVs (polling station staff). These agents are all members of Frelimo who were not interviewed but were awarded marks ranging from 16 to 18. Also in Macate, 24 MMV trainers will be automatically promoted to presiding officers at polling stations. Other candidates in the open competition failed, even after being interviewed.

School directors in Tambara, Manica province, who be polling station staff (MMVs) have been told they will receive 50,000 meticais ($780) in the event that they “guarantee the victory of Frelimo” on voting day, but there is also the threat of dismissal should Frelimo be defeated.

In Massinga, Inhambane, the district director of education and head of the brigade that works specifically with teachers and public administration staff in the Frelimo campaign is going to each Zone of Educational Influence instructing public servants to vote exclusively for his party. Those who do not accept the instruction are threatened that they will not advance up the career structure, and may possibly be transferred to the interior

In Zavala, Inhambane, several public institutions are empty, and others have their doors closed. The staff are campaigning for Frelimo. Education has been the sector most affected. Many schools have no classes.

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