Malawi: Kigali Youth Commits to Be Accountable On Africa Food Systems

10 September 2024

The young people at the Africa food Systems committed to being accountable for the Africa food systems, a commitment set to be presented at COP29.

The conference was held in Kigali, Rwanda on 6th September, 2024.

AGRA President Dr Agnes Kalibata said this year they were over 1000 youths who presented new ideas every day and 40% of them being women, there was also a good representation of indigenous and differently abled individuals.

"These young people have today submitted a declaration on climate that they want presented to COP29. These young people are committed to make the food systems work," she said.

Kalibata emphasized that when the food system works, the world works and for that reason there is need for 80% of this forum to be youths.

The Kigali youth Declaration calls on various stakeholders to amplify the voice of the young people, address the pressing issues of climate change and youth employment in Africa and explore strategies to accelerate youth access to work opportunities in the agricultural and food system sector.

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