Ethiopia: A Year to Nurture Budding Ties


Let me first wish a happy and prosperous Ethiopian New Year to all the readership of the esteemed The Ethiopian Herald readers.

Pakistan and Ethiopia enjoy cordial and friendly relations based on mutual respect, cultural similarities, growing economic ties, and cooperation at international fora.

My country attaches high importance to its relations with Ethiopia in recognition of Ethiopia's geo-economic importance and its role as a gateway to Africa in line with Pakistan's Engage Africa Policy. The Ethiopian leadership also espouses closer relations with Pakistan in diverse fields for mutual benefit as evidenced by opening of Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad in 2022 amidst an austerity drive.

The launching of the Ethiopian Airlines flight from Addis Ababa to Karachi in May 2023 was another important initiative to inject vitality into bilateral relations of the two sides. Ethiopian Airlines is vying to expand its flight operations and add new destinations such as Lahore.

Pakistan established its diplomatic mission in Ethiopia in 1973 following the official visit of then-President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The Mission was closed in 1979 but has been functional since 2008. The leaders of both countries have been meeting on the sidelines of international conferences.

During the last two years, several Ministerial delegations from Ethiopia visited Pakistan to promote political and trade relations. Both countries are working on establishing institutional mechanisms of cooperation, particularly Bilateral Political Consultations.

Both countries cooperate at multilateral fora to address common challenges as well as support each other's candidatures. Ethiopia supported Pakistan at recent elections for non-permanent seat of UN Security Council while Pakistan supported Ethiopia for election of DG UNIDO in 2022 and at Human Rights Council in 2021.

Efforts are being made on both sides to cultivate closer defense ties to promote cooperation in training, knowledge sharing, counterterrorism, and defense production.

Trade and investment cooperation are the lifeblood and most important plank of Pakistan-Ethiopia cooperation. In 2023, Ethiopia's exports to Pakistan, mainly soyabean, jumped by 116% to USD 36 million while Pakistan's exports to Ethiopia rose 46 % to USD 47 million.

Both countries hold immense potential for trade in agro-machinery, food processing, pharma/surgical, construction materials, textile, machinery, chemicals and services sectors including tourism, aviation, education, healthcare, and information technology.

Pakistan and Ethiopia signed a Bilateral Trade Agreement in Feb 2023 to augment bilateral trade. A Joint Trade Committee, under BTA, would hold inaugural round soon.

A flurry of two-way visits by business people is being witnessed which alludes to the business communities' growing interest in respective markets. 80 Pakistani investors/traders visited Ethiopia in May 2024 while 50 Ethiopian business people attended a Business Forum in Pakistan in May 2023 coinciding with the maiden flight from Addis to Karachi. Ethiopian traders regularly participate in the major annual exhibitions held in Pakistan. Pakistani investors have invested in textiles, halal meat, and SMEs in Ethiopia.

While the Pakistan-Ethiopia relationship is in a budding stage, the verdant saplings of cooperation harbinger a bright future. However, to fully nurture the relationship to its true potential, sustained efforts and leadership support are required on both sides.

BY ATIF SHARIF MIAN (Pakistani Ambassador to Ethiopia)

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