South Africa: DA Urges President Ramaphosa to Halt Bela Bill, Warns of Threat to Government of National Unity

press release

The DA has learnt that President Ramaphosa intends to sign the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill into law on Friday, 13 September.

If he proceeds, despite the DA's strong objections, he will violate both the letter and spirit of the joint Statement of Intent, that forms the basis of the Government of National Unity.

During the negotiations, the DA made it clear that the BELA Bill was unacceptable to us in its current form, because it has constitutional implications for the right to mother-tongue education, amongst other issues. The DA urged President Ramaphosa to send the Bill back to Parliament for a few simple amendments to bring it in line with the Constitution.

Despite this, and in violation of the provisions of the Statement of Intent, the President seems intent on pushing ahead unilaterally. I have moved urgently to meet the President before Friday to re-iterate our objections in the strongest terms. I will also submit to him the simple amendments the DA requires, and urge him to use his powers to send the Bill back to Parliament.

If the President continues to ride rough-shod over these objections, he is endangering the future of the Government of National Unity, and destroying the good faith on which it was based.

The establishment of a dispute resolution mechanism must now be a priority to ensure that all parties uphold both the letter and spirit of the Statement of Intent, and that the ANC understands that they can no longer take unilateral action on issues that affect fundamental rights.

The DA regards this issue in the most serious light, and I will convey to the President the destructive implications it holds for the future of the GNU.

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