Zimbabwe: Seize Opportunities Brought By Zanu-PF Conference

11 September 2024

Bulawayo Bureau

THE business community in Bulawayo should prepare for increased business as the city gears to host the 21st Zanu PF National People's Conference at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair grounds from October 22 to 27, with at least 4 000 delegates, including diplomats, expected to attend.

The conference will take stock of achievements made by the party and Government over the last year in line with Vision 2030.

Zanu PF holds its annual conferences on a rotational basis, presenting an opportunity for reflection on party electoral promises as well as reaffirmation of the country's vision. Last year, the conference was hosted in Gweru at the Midlands Zanu PF Convention Centre.

The conference will be held under the theme: "Industrialise and modernise towards the attainment of Vision 2030."

In an interview, Bulawayo Metropolitan Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Judith Ncube, who is also Zanu PF Women's League deputy secretary, emphasised the economic benefits that hosting such a major event could bring to the city.

"There are many benefits that come with hosting the Zanu PF National People's Conference. It attracts a lot of people who contribute to business, in one way or the other. We expect the hospitality industry to benefit through the provision of accommodation, while other downstream industries will also gain from the influx of delegates," she said.

Minister Ncube highlighted the opportunity to showcase Bulawayo to the nation and the world.

"We want to use the conference to market the city. With the whole country converging here, all media will give global attention to Bulawayo, and we want to take advantage of that to market our city," she said.

Minister Ncube described Bulawayo residents as culturally awake, peaceful, and loving, adding that hosting the conference would allow the world to appreciate the city's rich cultural diversity.

Minister Ncube called on businesses to support the use of the local currency and conduct their operations ethically.

"We appeal to the city's residents to avoid exploitative behaviours like hiking prices. I also encourage businesses to accept the local currency, the ZIG, as a medium of transaction," she said.

Zanu PF Politburo member Retired Colonel Tshinga Dube echoed the Minister's sentiments, noting that the conference presents a significant opportunity for local business.

"This time, Bulawayo is hosting the conference, and we are happy about it as it will bring development to the city. We anticipate a business boom and hope that all will be prepared to take advantage of it," he said.

Rtd Col Dube highlighted the development initiatives that typically accompany the hosting of such an event.

"Usually, the party donates to a school or institution within the host province, so we are looking forward to a similar project benefitting Bulawayo this time," he said.

The city is preparing for the conference, which is expected to provide both immediate economic benefits and long-term developmental opportunities.

The conference comes as the country made significant investments, such as the US$1,5 billion Dinson Iron and Steel Company (Disco) steel plant located in Manhize, near Mvuma in the Midlands, the construction of Lake Gwayi-Shangani, the promising Muzarabani oil and gas reserves, and the rehabilitation of major roads, among others.

The projects are poised to catalyse the creation of new industries and substantially contribute to Zimbabwe's economic growth. The party's First Secretary, President Mnangagwa, will preside over the conference.

The conference is expected to discuss among other things, the state of the party, the state of the economy, food security and nutrition, social services and poverty eradication, macro-economic stability and re-engagement, infrastructure development and utilities as well as value addition and beneficiation.

Some provinces are working on proposed resolutions which will be presented to the party leadership.

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