South Africa: Cottoning On - Retailer Group's Cotton Project Is a Win for Small-Scale Farmers and Sustainability

Local beneficiation of cotton at source gives emerging farmers an opportunity to prosper and facilitates the flow of goods through the value chain into stores.

Listen to this article 8 min Listen to this article 8 min Until quite recently, cotton farming in South Africa was on its knees. Production was a fraction of that sent to the country's gins and mills in the late 1980s. Now, budding new cotton farmers once again see a future in the crop, as retailers return to local sourcing to meet their own sustainability targets.

In northern KwaZulu-Natal, a partnership between a leading retailer and small-scale farmers is seeing home-grown cotton being spun into fibres that are used in locally manufactured bath towels.

The project, initiated by Mr Price, sources, gins and spins cotton grown by small-scale farmers in Makhathini into terry cloth used in towels produced for the retailer.

Co-founder of the Mr Price Foundation, Natasja Ambrosio, told the H&M Sustainable Production Africa Summit, held in Cape Town on 4 September 2024, that the group launched the project in 2013 -- at a time when South Africa's cotton sector was on its knees. That year, South Africa had a total cotton crop of just 6,500 tons -- which had dropped off from a high of 80,000 tons in 1987.

By 2017, owing to the cotton industry's efforts to...

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