Zimbabwe: 'Zim Decides its Own International Ties'

11 September 2024

Zimbabwe exercises its sovereign right to independently choose its friends and allies, Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Minister, Professor Amon Murwira, has said.

Asked after yesterday's Cabinet meeting if Zimbabwe's Look East Policy would not undermine its independence and ability to decide its national trajectory, Prof Murwira said Zimbabwe, while it sought to be a friend to all and enemy to none, was making decisions independent of any other country, big or small.

"We are independently making decisions. We talk of cooperation with other countries in science, ICT and digital.

"These are choices we have made. As Africans, we are not children. We are independent. We move with others, but make independent decisions on who we want to move with," he said.

"We are not walking alone, but we choose who we walk with, and this is very important".

Earlier on, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere said Cabinet received and approved the report on ICT for disaster risk management, as presented by Prof Murwira.

"Zimbabwe, like many other countries, faces natural and climate-induced hazards such as floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and disease outbreaks. Information technology is advancing rapidly, making it possible to map space and identify and analyse data before, during and after a disaster in unprecedented detail in real-time."

The Government mooted the ICT for disaster risk management initiative in response to the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, Cyclone Idai, the EL Nino-induced drought in the last farming season and other past disasters and disease outbreaks.

"The initiative resonates with regional and international conventions which Zimbabwe is party to, requiring the country to steer ICT sector initiatives in disaster risk management.

"Cabinet noted that the ICT for disaster risk management initiative adopts and integrates its information and communication technologies for disaster risk management to enhance disaster mitigation, preparedness and recovery through rapid communication and information sharing; early warning systems; remote sensing and GIS Mapping; data collection and analysis; public awareness and education; and coordination and collaboration before, during and after the disaster," said Dr Muswere.

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