The march was led by Abahali baseMjondolo
Hundreds of residents from Shaka's Head informal settlement marched on Monday to municipal offices in Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal, demanding toilets, water and electricity.
The marchers, who chanted and sang, were organised by Abahlali baseMjondolo.
"The living conditions in the area are difficult because we don't have basic services," said community leader Ntombikhaya Ludziya.
He said they wanted to be recognised by the Ilembe District Municipality and to be given housing and basic services.
"Every election period they make all sorts of promises. We have been living in shacks for many years. The promise they always make is that they will build RDP houses. But in the end they don't do that," said Ludziya.
"We are always worried that the municipal officials will arrive and demolish our shacks," said Thembisa Zuma, whose home, on municipal land, was demolished last month by the municipality.
Abahlali baseMjondolo president Sbu Zikode said forced removals must come to an end.
"It is not enough that many of us remain in deep poverty, without jobs and without hope for a better future; the municipality is always forcefully removing us from the land of our ancestors," he said.
Mbongeni Zondi, from the office of the Speaker, accepted a memorandum on behalf of the mayor.
GroundUp sent questions to the municipality. The response will be added when received.