South Africa: Cyril Ramaphosa - - I Am Convinced GNU Will Not Only Survive, but Thrive, Despite Party Differences

As illustrated by the debate around the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill, there are issues on which parties in the GNU will disagree. But we are making every effort to find common ground.

On Wednesday last week, the leaders of the parties that form the government of national unity (GNU) met to reflect on how the GNU is working.

Three months have passed since 10 parties represented in Parliament signed a Statement of Intent committing themselves to work together in government and Parliament to advance the country's interests.

The parties agreed to certain fundamental principles, including to respect the Constitution and the rule of law and to promote accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance.

The parties also agreed on a common minimum programme that would form the basis of the work of the GNU. At its first Cabinet lekgotla in mid-July, ministers and deputy ministers drawn from the GNU partners, together with directors-general and other officials, developed priority actions to give effect to the minimum programme.

Since these priority actions were outlined in the opening of Parliament address on 18 July 2024, ministers and deputy ministers have been hard at work to implement the tasks assigned to them.

For a few ministers and deputy ministers, being in the executive is a new experience and for some it has been quite...

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