Namibia: Cabinet Approves Setting Up New Disease-Free Zones From 2027

19 September 2024

The Cabinet has approved the construction of new veterinary fences and gates to create new disease-free zones.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform will carry out this project for a five-year period from 2027 to 2032.

Approval has also been granted for the recruitment of additional staff members and the construction of staff and other accommodation at these gates.

This was announced by minister of information and communication technology Emma Theofelus while delivering the 16th Cabinet decisions on Thursday afternoon.

"The Cabinet directed the agriculture ministry to carry out a feasibility study over a period of two years," she said.

Theofelus said the Cabinet has also granted approval for the agriculture ministry to secure funding for the establishment of these zones in the Mangetti area of Karikubis in the Kavango East region, the Tsumkwe constituency in the Otjozondjupa region, Mangetti east farms in the Kavango West region, Mangetti west, Onalusheshete farms in the Oshikoto region, the Ombuga area in the Oshana region, the Omutambo Maowe area in the Omusati region, and the Sesfontein area in the Kunene region.

She said the Cabinet has also taken note of submitted annual reports for the Namibia Revenue Agency, Namibia Wildlife Resorts, and the Central Procurement Board of Namibia, and authorised the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises to table the said report in the National Assembly.

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