Mauritius: MDPA Digital Lab Empowers 175 Elderly in Embracing Cutting-Edge Technology

Digital Lab On the Go (DLOG) project, an initiative of the Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency (MDPA), under the purview of the Ministry of Information Technology, Communication, and Innovation, targeted around 175 Elderly, today, at the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Recreation Centre, in Belle Mare, so as to empower these Senior Citizens in embracing cutting-edge technology and improving their quality of life.

In fact, the Digital Lab which aligns with the Government's strategic vision of promoting new technologies and innovation among citizens, offered throughout the day a variety of services specifically tailored for Senior Citizens in the following areas: Robotics and Sensors; 3D Printing and Digital Fabrication; Virtual and Augmented Reality; Sensing and Internet of Things; and E-Government Services.

The sessions enabled the Elderly to: explore robots and sensors used for daily living assistance, such as medication reminders or fall detection devices; understand how 3D printing can create customised tools for better grip, reading aids, or other assistive devices; undertake virtual tours of museums, historical sites thus promoting travel and exploration without physical limitations as well as connect with family members who live far away; understand Wearable Technology with an introduction to wearable devices that track health vitals, promote fitness routines, or offer emergency assistance; and learn how smart appliances and interconnected devices can create a safer living environment.

In addition, Senior Citizens were given an overview of how to navigate Government Websites to access services such as payment of social security allowances and healthcare registration. The Elderly also grasped how to communicate online with Government Agencies for appointments, inquiries, or renewals; and explored digital literacy programmes to ensure that they have equal access to information, services and opportunities in the digital age, while being protected from digital abuse and scams.

Moreover, the MDPA Digital Lab, in partnership with the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity, has established a calendar for visits/training sessions for September/October 2024 in four Elderly Recreational Centers namely: Dr James Bury David Recreational Centre, Pointe aux Sables; Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Recreation Centre, Belle Mare; Lady Sushil Ramgoolam Recreation Centre, Pointe aux Piments; and, Sir Anerood Jugnauth Recreational Centre, Riambel.

DLOG project

The project was launched on 25 April 2024 to create a more digitally inclusive Mauritian society. By providing digital skills, tools, and technologies, the project seeks to bridge the digital divide, promote digital literacy, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital sector.

A total of 8,252 citizens across 82 regions have benefited from this initiative from April to September 2024.

The main stakeholders of the DLOG initiative are the: Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology; Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity; Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sports and Recreation; Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare; and Ministry of Industrial Development, SMEs and Cooperatives.

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