Tanzania: Why Sokoine Biography Now

  • Samia says it's fitting tribute to his legacy
  • Valuable resource for understanding TZ's history

DAR ES SALAAM: PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan stated that the biography of the late Edward Sokoine, former Prime Minister, is a fitting tribute to his legacy and a valuable resource for understanding Tanzania's history.

She noted that the biography, prepared by the Uongozi Institute and Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and launched yesterday, will not only preserve memories but also provide testimony and honour his contributions to national development.

"My fellow Tanzanians, this biography of the late Sokoine has been written to preserve memories, provide testimony and honour his contributions to national development," she said during the launch of the Kiswahili biography titled "Edward Moringe Sokoine: Maisha na Uongozi Wake."

The late Sokoine served two terms as Prime Minister, from 1977 to 1980 and again from 1983 to 1984. He died at the age of 45 in a road accident on April 12, 1984, when his car collided with another vehicle on the road from Dodoma to Dar es Salaam.

President Samia highlighted the significance of this biography, especially given that over 81 per cent of Tanzanians were born after Sokoine's death. It serves as a vital connection to the country's history, illuminating the challenges Tanzania faced during his tenure and the lessons that can be learned from his leadership.

"You may recall that in April this year, I attended the memorial for the late Sokoine in Monduli Juu. I mentioned that according to the 2022 Population and Housing Census (PHC), 81.21 per cent of Tanzanians are under the age of 40. This means that out of every five Tanzanians, only one was born before Sokoine passed away in 1984. Therefore, it is very important to prepare records like this."

President Samia described the late Sokoine as a hardworking and dedicated individual who will be remembered as a strong leader during times of economic hardship in Tanzania, exacerbated by the oil crisis of the 1970s, the breakup of the East African Community in 1977 and the Kagera War of 1978/79 against Ugandan dictator Idi Amin Dada.

She noted that Sokoine championed a government crackdown on economic saboteurs who hoarded essential commodities for profit during the economic crisis and poor local production.

She also emphasised his commitment to agricultural development, which aimed to address the hunger crisis that prevailed in the early 1980s.

The impact of Sokoine's contributions is further evident in the establishment of SUA, founded in 1984 and named in his honour, she said.

The president congratulated veteran journalists Salva Rweyemamu, Said Nguba, and Professor Issa Shivji for their significant work in collecting all the information and reports and specifically thanked Prof Shivji for writing the thoughtful conclusion of the biography.

ALSO READ: Revealed: Sokoine wanted to be a monk

She also congratulated Professor Saada Yahya Othman and Mugyabuso Mulokozi for editing the work and Mkuki na Nyota Publishers for publishing the biography.

President Samia expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Vice-President Dr Philip Mpango for his dedicated efforts in bringing the biography to fruition. She emphasised his crucial role in ensuring its preparation and launch.

"I would like to especially thank the Vice-President, Dr Philip Mpango, for the significant push he provided to ensure this book was prepared and launched. So, to the Vice-President, congratulations--'Mission Accomplished."'

She expressed optimism that the launch of Sokoine's biography would motivate other retired leaders to write their own stories and directed the President's Office for Public Service Management and Good Governance to assist them in this endeavour.

"This event will inspire other leaders to prepare their own books. I know former President Kikwete (Jakaya) is working hard to finish his and I have instructed the Public Service Management to help him complete that work."

Vice-President Dr Philip Mpango recalled being asked to represent President Samia at the memorial for Sokoine, during which he struggled to find sufficient information about the former leader.

Following the event, he prepared a report and requested that a biography of the late Sokoine be created, asking President Samia to approve financial support for the project.

He acknowledged that writing a biography of a leader after their passing is a challenging task, and in Sokoine's case, it was even more difficult to undertake this work 40 years after his death.

"Many people who knew him personally have passed away, which made it difficult to obtain firsthand accounts of his life and experiences," he said.

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