Uganda: Bunyoro Kitara Diocese Bishop Jacob Ateirweho Cautions Students Against Early Sex

2 October 2024

The bishop of Bunyoro Kitara diocese has cautioned students against engaging in early sex saying this risks their lives on getting sexually transmitted diseases especially HIV/AIDS. Ateirweho advises students to focus on education to brighten their future.

He made remarks while praying for candidates at Kings high secondary school in Hoima.

While praying for senior four and senior six candidates at Kings high secondary school in Hoima a head of their final exams, Ateirweho the bishop of Bunyoro Kitara diocese warned students against engaging into sexual intercourse at early ages saying this exposes them to sexual related diseases which can affect their future for life.

"I want to implore you students to avoid bad acts, like taking intoxicated drugs, sex is for the old people and satanic to engage into these acts when you are still young, I have seen young children taking alcohol this is also bad one its gets you off and you can end up doing anything ill, and your future will be ruined I have seen young girls selling their bodies in town please avoid being taken by these groups you are still young, I want you remain virgin until after education like Jesus mother Mary" Bishop Ateirweho cautioned

Bishop Ateirweho instead advised them to be focused on education and set targets of what they want to become in future.

"When you decide the person, you want to be in future, it becomes easy for you to be focused, so the time is now to make choices of who you want to be, have role models understand how best you can become that best lawyer, doctors engineer and so on, this will help you to avoid being distracted by anything" He added

Robert Kyomuhendo Ruhigwa the Hoima west mayor informed students that moving forward there are plans that any person below senior six not to stand on any political position, but also it will be hard for you to get jobs in the oil and gas sector without studying.

"There are plans by government to change the requirements for people to stand for any political positions for instance that you must have completed senior six, or its equivalent so if someone doesn't study and advance then you will be locked out, but also while we have oil and gas they will not employ people who have not studied, so lets focus on education because while then you would get land from your parents and survive today land is scarce most of it has been sold" Ruhigwa said

Victor Bob the head teacher at Kings high secondary school challenged students to have respect for parents, elders and leaders at whatever level.

"Please everywhere you are must respect your parents even when they make mistakes because they are earthly Gods, but also the leaders and everyone who is older than you, respect leaders, elders and any person who is older than you, listen for the guidance these people give you" Bob said

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