Southern Africa: 'Sadc Confident President Will Reignite Pan-African Spirit'

11 October 2024

Joseph Madzimure —  

The SADC region is confident that under the astute leadership of President Mnangagwa, Pan-Africanism will be reignited and the region will become more united in its struggle against modern neo-colonialism, Zanu PF national chairman Cde Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri has said.

Addressing the second National Assembly for the War Veterans, Ex- Political Prisoners, Detainees and Restrictees League in Harare yesterday, Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said the liberation movements in the SADC region are under attack with a clear objective of eliminating them through the electoral processes.

Former Liberation Movements of Southern Africa that are current ruling parties in their countries are Zanu PF, South Africa's African National Congress, Tanzania's Chama Cha Mapinduzi, Mozambique's Frelimo, People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and Namibia's South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO).

The theme for the Second National Assembly is, "Enhancing participation of War Veterans in socio-economic political and cultural affairs of the country".

The League's National Assembly is being convened in accordance with the party constitution, Chapter 4, Section 428 which requires that the wing convenes at least two meetings to take stock on the implementation of Party policies and directives.

"We are also convening after our nation successfully hosted the 44th SADC Summit, which coincided with the pinnacle of developmental programmes by the Second Republic under the astute leadership of President Mnangagwa," said Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri.

She said the country is witnessing unprecedented development in infrastructure development projects, dam construction, mining operations expansion, increased industry capacity utilisation, the flourishing of education 5.0, and Zimbabwe's recognition as one of the fastest growing economies in the SADC region.

"All these advancements symbolise a bright future for Zimbabwe, and your supreme sacrifices are paying off," said Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri.

The league also congratulated President Mnangagwa for assuming the chairmanship of the SADC bloc.

"We knew very well that our detractors wanted us to fail in hosting and assuming the leadership of SADC," she said.

Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said the peaceful environment and the record high attendance Summit defeated the typical manoeuvres aimed at tarnishing the image of the country.

"We are grateful to President Mnangagwa for putting Zimbabwe on the map, we have become a marvel in the region. We also commend you comrades for remaining vigilant and rallying the masses to choose peace over violence," she said.

The Second Republic, Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said, is concerned with the issues affecting the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle and their dependants and is working on addressing them.

At the first National Assembly Meeting in May 2024, President Mnangagwa directed all ministries to attend to all issues affecting veterans of the liberation struggle, in particular the dispossession of the allocated land.

"We are pleased to note the assurance from the Minister of Agriculture to protect the veterans of the liberation struggle. Similarly, we pray that assets donated to the Veterans Investment Vehicles will be fully exploited so that we all benefit in our lifetime. The League should demand the relevant Ministries to conclude on the outstanding issues," Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said.

The veterans of the liberation struggle, she said, fought for the land conscious of the fact that it is land which drives development.

"We farm, mine, manufacture, and build residences on the land. The 14 pillars of the National Development Strategy 1 are of interest to Veterans of the Liberation Struggle. These include food security and nutrition, transport, infrastructure development, housing delivery, manufacturing, mining operations, and health and well-being, among other things," Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said.

She commended President Mnangagwa for working tirelessly to ensure Zimbabweans' full rights to the land 44 years after Independence.

Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri said Veterans of the Liberation Struggle will be prioritised as the country implements the new land tenure system.

"Our commander (President Mnangagwa) is keen to see Veterans of the Liberation Struggle actively participating in all spheres of the economy as we journey towards a prosperous and empowered Middle Income Society by 2030. Equally important in our desire for economic independence and prosperity is demonstrating production and productivity as our leader would say, 'Nyika Inovakwa, Igotongwa Igonamatirwa nevene vayo/ ilizwe lakhiwa, libuswe likhulekelwe ngabanikazi balo'."

Meanwhile, delegates to the National Assembly observed a minute of silence in honour of the late gallant son of the soil, Col (Rtd) Tshinga Judge Dube, who was buried at the National Heroes Acre on Wednesday.

Zanu PF Secretary for War Veterans, Ex- Political Prisoners, Detainees and Restrictees League Cde Douglas Mahiya said the War veterans will continue to demonstrate leadership and commitment to the aims and objectives of the party as articulated in Article 2 of the party constitution which calls on members to preserve and defend the national sovereignty and independence of Zimbabwe.

"The league will uphold and apply fully the rule of equality before the law and equality of opportunities for all Zimbabweans regardless of race, tribe, gender, sex, religion and or origin," said Cde Mahiya.

He called for the protection of land allocated to War Veterans and their children. This was after the league received several reports of war veterans and their families being evicted from their farms.

The Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Dr Anxious Masuka, assured war veterans that none of them will be evicted from their respective farms and that he will take it upon himself to address the challenges faced by war veterans.

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