Nairobi — Beleaguared Kericho Governor Eric Mutai has survived an impeachment motion due procedural technicalities linked to an unmet threshold.
Senators threw out the impeachment motion citing that Kericho Members of County Assembly's failure to meet the two-thirds threshold to remove him from office.
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Speaker Amason Kingi ordered a vote on the matter after he declined to make a ruling citing the implications a decision on the matter would have on the impeachment trial.
A makority of Senators supported the preliminary objection where 34 MCAs voted in support of the objection while 14 voted against the objection.
"The motion having been approved the hearing proceedings on proposed removal from office by impeachment of Erick Mutai, the govenor of Kericho county is hereby terminated," Kingi decalared.
The vote followed lawyer Katwa Kigen's presentation that the 31 MCAs who voted for Mutai's impeachment fell short of the threshold computed at 31.3 MCAs.
Kigen argued that the figure could only be rounded off upwards to 32 while the County Assembly defended its decision to round off the figure to the nearest whole number being 31.
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