Zimbabwe: Harare Commission of Inquiry Detains 'Arrogant and Evasive' Harare Councilor

16 October 2024

A COMMISSION inquiry which is investigating the operations of the Harare City Council, has detained the chairperson of the Works and Town Planning Committee, Takudzwa Dzumbunu after she left the committee session to collect documents to be used as evidence and did not return.

Dzumbunu appeared before the Justice Maphios Cheda-led Commission on Monday to address the proliferation of illegal structures in Harare

She struggled to explain how the City Council was granting permits for fuel stations, some of which are located in undesignated areas.

As per the request of the evidence leader, Thabani Mpofu, the commission permitted Dzumbunu to collect documents as evidence.

However, Dzumbunu failed to return Monday afternoon leading to the adjournment of the Commission.

Mandated to appear before the Commission Tuesday morning Dzumbunu arrived more than an hour later angering the Commission.

Thabani Mpofu submitted that Dzumbunu had undermined the Commission of Inquiry.

"How did this contempt manifest itself? The record will reflect that Councillor Dzumbunu was an evasive witness not desirous of answering the questions and displayed an arrogant demeanor. Whereas that can be overlooked by the Commission in its quest to achieve the greater goal of discharging its mandate in terms of reference.

"I submit that her conduct after she was asked by the Commission to present herself to the Commission within a specified time can not be overlooked. I submit that her conduct of not appearing before the commission within the prescribed time is highly disrespectful and contemptuous," said Mpofu.

In her defence, Dzumbunu said that when she failed to appear before the Commission she could not print the electronic documents as there was no electricity at the Town House.

"When I got to the townhouse to collect the minutes there was a joint meeting that was in process which only finished around five. There is a particular officer who deals with town planning. I indicated that I wanted the minutes. The soft copy was sent to me in the afternoon," said Dzumbunu.

Retired Justice Cheda guided by Section 14 of the Commision Act said detaining Dzumbunu will deter would-be offenders.

"What we are about to impose will stand not only as a personal deterrent for your future conduct but those of like mind. We therefore make the following order that you be removed from the Commission for the time being and you shall be detained in custody in these premises until the Commission rises at 16:00," said Cheda.

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