East Africa: Museveni, Somalia President Discuss Peace, Stability in Horn of Africa

President Museveni with his Somalia counterpart, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.
20 October 2024

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has completed a one-day official visit to Uganda at the invitation of Ugandan President Museveni.

The two leaders engaged in discussions aimed at boosting bilateral relations, enhancing regional security, and deepening economic ties, with a focus on Somalia's recent integration into the East African Community (EAC).

During the visit, President Museveni congratulated Somalia for becoming the newest member of the EAC, marking what he described as "a new era of regional integration, wider regional market, and trade cooperation."

He also praised Somalia's election as an incoming non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2025-2026 term, calling it a significant achievement for the country.

The heads of state exchanged views on regional security, particularly the ongoing efforts to stabilize Somalia. Both leaders commended the efforts of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and the Somali Security Forces in combating Al-Shabaab.

"We commend the sacrifices made by ATMIS and the Somali Security Forces in pacifying the country," read the joint communiqué issued at the conclusion of the talks.

The leaders also welcomed the establishment of the African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM), which will build on the progress made by ATMIS.

They emphasized the need for "predictable and sustainable funding" for AUSSOM and called upon the international community to support this mission, referencing the importance of UN Resolution 2719 in exploring funding options.

On the bilateral front, Uganda and Somalia signed the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) as part of a broader Memorandum of Understanding on defense cooperation.

The agreement paves the way for closer collaboration in military matters. The two countries also discussed cooperation in areas such as education, sports, and immigration management.

President Museveni and President Mohamud directed their respective ministers to finalize Memoranda of Understanding in these areas and agreed to hold a Joint Permanent Commission and Investment Summit soon.

In a key development, President Mohamud welcomed the recent lifting of the arms embargo on Somalia, stating that it "presents an opportunity for the Federal Government of Somalia to expedite the transition process and implement the Somali Security Development Plan."

He added that it would allow Somalia to shoulder greater responsibility for its own security.

President Museveni praised his Somali counterpart for his "commitment, resilience, and efforts" in stabilizing Somalia, while President Mohamud expressed gratitude to Uganda for its support, highlighting the shared commitment to regional peace and stability.

Both leaders reaffirmed their dedication to furthering integration through the EAC, Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and the African Union.

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