Zimbabwe: War Veterans Backing Chiwenga Faction Rubbish Calls for Ed to Stay Beyond 2028, Describe Zanu-PF Elements in Support of Move As 'Misguided'

21 October 2024

WAR veterans who fought under the Zimbabwe People's Union (ZAPU) military wing, Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZPRA), women and youth associations affiliated to Zanu PF have declared their allegiance to Vice President Constantino Chiwenga and ridiculed machinations for President Emmerson Mnangagwa to stay on until 2030.

Gamesmanship to have Mnangagwa stay on beyond 2028 when he completes his constitutionally mandated two terms, have been particularly elaborate in Masvingo, where the 'ED 2030' slogan was first publicly chanted.

Much recently, the sloganeering was used by Zanu PF deputy secretary for youth, John Paradza, at a meeting hosted at Dadaya.

His statement seems not to have gone down well with a grouping that has named itself the 'General Chiwenga Voluntary Supporters Association', which assumes the former military commander was Mnangagwa's obvious successor in 2028.

"The General Chiwenga Voluntary Supporters Association, representing the unified voices of ZIPRA military veterans, Women Associations, and Youth Associations from Bulawayo, Matabeleland North, and Matabeleland South, condemns in the strongest terms the reckless and divisive statements made by Paradza and his faction during their ill-conceived gathering in Dadaya," read a statement by the association's secretary general, Ntokozo Msipha.

"Their arrogant declaration that Mnangagwa will remain in power until 2030 is not only a blatant affront to the democratic processes within our nation, but also a direct attack on the legitimacy and standing of Chiwenga, known to us as Umkhwenyana.

"Let it be clearly understood--General Chiwenga is the leader the people of Zimbabwe are rallying behind, and we will not sit idly by as rogue elements like Paradza attempt to tarnish his name and derail the course of justice and progress.

"Paradza and his Dadaya faction represent a minority desperate to cling to power through undemocratic means, and their confrontational rhetoric is nothing more than an act of cowardice.

"The General Chiwenga Voluntary Supporters Association stands resolute in our commitment to seeing Chiwenga assume his rightful leadership of our nation."

Masvingo provincial chairperson, Robson Mavhenyengwa, provincial secretary for commissariat Brian Munyoro, Minister of State for Masvingo Ezra Chadzamira, Paradza, who is also the deputy minister of environment and Politburo members Lovemore Matuke and Paul Mangwana have been at the front of calls to unconstitutionally extend Mnangagwa's second term in office.

"We know that constitutionally the President is not supposed to continue in office after 2028, but we are saying if it is possible, if there is an opportunity to do so, we will humbly request that he remains in office up to 2030," said Chadzamira early this year.

Section 91(2) of the Zimbabwean Constitution which sets term limits, disqualifies Mnangagwa from running for President in 2028 while Section 328(7) does not allow the incumbent from benefiting in case of an amendment to the constitution that seeks to extend a term.

Added Msipha's statement: "General Chiwenga is not up for debate; it is rooted in his unmatched leadership, his military prowess, and his unwavering commitment to the people of Zimbabwe.

"We will not be intimidated. The open confrontation declared by Paradza's faction against General Chiwenga and his supporters is a declaration of war against the true will of the people.

"The people of Bulawayo, Matabeleland North, and Matabeleland South are not easily swayed by the empty words of opportunists.

"We see through Paradza's agenda, which is rooted in division and self-interest, and we will oppose it with all the force at our disposal."

Mnangagwa is yet to openly declare his position despite his self-serving schemes to remain at the helm of Zanu PF.

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