Zimbabwe: Protest Planned Against Mnangagwa Apologist Paradza Ahead of Zanu-PF Conference in Bulawayo

21 October 2024

AS tensions continue to rise in the ruling party ahead of the Zanu-PF Conference, a faction calling itself the General Chiwenga Voluntary Supporters Association (GCVSA) has sent a chilling warning that it will not tolerate anyone bent on pushing for an unconstitutional presidential term extension.

This year's Zanu PF 21st National People's Conference, to be held at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) Grounds in Bulawayo from October 22 to 27, is expected to witness power broking as Zimbabwe hurtles towards the next elections in 2028 when President Emmerson Mnangagwa is expected to vacate office after expiry of his constitutionally permissible two terms.

Among other issues, the conference will take stock of achievements made by government from last year in line with Vision 2030. More than 4 000 delegates, including diplomats, are expected to attend.

There are reports of a planned protest against deputy Environment minister John Paradza, who doubles as deputy secretary of the Zanu PF Youth League, and a faction that recently held a gathering at Dadaya to push for Mnangagwa to cling on to power.

The GCVSA association, which says it represents ZIPRA military veterans, Women Associations, and Youth Associations from Bulawayo and surrounding regions, criticized Paradza's assertion that Mnangagwa will remain in power until 2030, and beyond.

In a statement, GCVSA said it is commited to oppose Paradza's faction that is trying to undermine Zimbabwe's democratic processes and, labelled it "a minority group attempting to retain power through undemocratic means."

"Their arrogant declaration that President Mnangagwa will remain in power until 2030 is not only a blatant affront to the democratic processes within our nation, but also a direct attack on the legitimacy and standing of General Chiwenga, known to us as Umkhwenyana.

"Let it be clearly understood-General Chiwenga is the leader the people of Zimbabwe are rallying behind, and we will not sit idly by as rogue elements like John Paradza attempt to tarnish his name and derail the course of justice and progress.

"Paradza and his Dadaya faction represent a minority desperate to cling to power through undemocratic means, and their confrontational rhetoric is nothing more than an act of cowardice,," reads the statement.

The GCVSA says it is resolute against Paradza's faction, stating that it would not be intimidated by what they view as attempts to weaken Chiwenga's leadership.

"We will not be intimidated...The open confrontation declared by Paradza's faction against General Chiwenga and his supporters is a declaration of war against the true will of the people.

The demonstrations are expected to take place in the coming days to send a clear message of solidarity for Chiwenga and to counter what they perceive as threats to their chosen leadership.

"In response to this provocation, the GCVSA will be hosting a massive demonstration in Bulawayo in the coming days.

"This demonstration will serve as a clear signal that the people stand with General Chiwenga and reject the divisive tactics of John Paradza and his Dadaya faction.

"To John Paradza, and those backing him, we say this: You will not silence the voice of the people. You will not stand in the way of justice. And you will not deter us from the leadership we seek under General Chiwenga.

"Zimbabwe deserves a leader with the strength, discipline, and courage to steer this nation towards prosperity. That leader is General Chiwenga," reads the statement.

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