Ethiopia: If We Are Not Part of the Solution, We Are Part of Our Problems


If we are not part of the solution to the multi-faceted problems and challenges of this country, we are certainly part of the problem as there is no third way or an option to sit on the fence. The nation needs urgent support from citizens here and abroad to ensure her safety, peace, territorial integrity and socio-economic development. The author of this article has no intention of agitating anybody but attempts to reveal the bitter truth about the challenges that Ethiopia is facing.

The current reality in Ethiopia shows that the nation is entangled with challenges that are homegrown. These homegrown challenges are paving the way for intervention by powers near and far into the internal affairs of the country. Our politicians which are revered on social media are busy duplicating press releases that are of no use both for their parties and the country at large.

The nauseating blame games with flowery words by our ethnocentric politicians and their polemics over imported ideological issues on liberation, democracy and human rights are capped with advocacy for taking power by the barrel of guns. However, the farmers and their families, children, elderly fathers and mothers are not interested in social media politicking but seek nutritious food, adequate health services, education for their children and sustained peace above all.

Over the last 50 years, Ethiopia has experienced internal conflicts every year with no interruption. Since the early 60s and early 70s, the Ethiopian youth have remained divided over imported ideologies none of which has fit for the ordinary Ethiopian on the street and in rural areas. The student movements accelerated the division among citizens capped with Marxists- Leninist, Maoist, and focoisim which is a strategy for revolution associated with Ernesto "Che" Guevara, and formalized by Che and the radical French writer Régis Debray.

These imported ideologies focused on class struggle which is based on the proletarian revolution which failed to materialize in this country. In a country where there is no heavy industry or strong working class, we used the military power of the Derg to impose it on the people who cared less. This led to the advent of the coloured terror in the country in which generations of youth were annihilated. Some of us including the author have experienced the situation which is now seen to be in the dustbin of history. Today we are talking about democracy, political self-determination and justice while quite a few of the youth are engaged in bloodletting and killing rampage in the name of struggle for survival. Those who took to the jungle claim to liberate the country after 4000 years of independent existence of this glorious nation.

Ethiopia has more than 100 political parties that have been registered to operate in the country based on the rule of law. What are some of the practical indicators that show a number of these parties are operating in total defiance of the Constitution, the rule of law and federal regulations with no accountability? The author would wish to mention some of these.

The TPLF has conducted an illegal conference and appointment of party officials as well as banning officials appointed by the Federal Government to lead a transitional Regional Government pursuant to the Pretoria Agreement.

In the Amhara Region, several armed groups have proliferated with the assistance of foreign-based Ethiopians who wish to take power by force an in unconstitutional way serving the interest of foreign powers who labor from dawn to dusk to balkanize the country on ethnic bases.

A considerable number of groups of thieves are busy damaging hydroelectric power girds and railway lines in an attempt to fulfill their financial interests and through support from armed groups.

Bank robbery is going on in Amhara and Oromia regions to commercialize the challenges that the country is facing. Armed groups in Amhara and Oromia have opened a propaganda war on the National Defense Forces of Ethiopia which is constitutionally authorized to ensure the peace and sovereignty of the country.

It is regrettable to observe that no legal party registered in the country has condemned such illegal banditry and vandalistic activities being perpetrated by lawless groups. Every opposition party is engaged in sitting on the fence while the country they wish to rule in the future is facing challenges. Open discrediting of the achievements of the country and defamation of the elected leaders of the country with rude words and insults have become fashionable on social media. Some political parties have openly declared that they will not take part in the upcoming national dialogue while the armed groups have followed suit.

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