South Africa: Lebombo Border Open for Cargo

10 November 2024

The Border Management Authority (BMA) has announced that cargo operations at the Lebombo Border Post have resumed following a closure of the port last week.

The border post was closed following protests owing to political tensions in Mozambique, which have culminated in reports of vehicles being burnt on the Mozambican side of the border.

BMA Commissioner, Dr Michael Masiapato, said this will clear the path for a full reopening of that port.

"We are pleased to announce that the Mozambican systems have been restored, with processing activities resuming at the KM 4 checkpoint on the Mozambican side.

"This development paves the way for the full reopening of the port and enables the BMA and SARS teams to work diligently in clearing the current cargo backlog," he said.

The BMA said in a statement that it is working in partnership with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) to clear the cargo backlog.

"The port is now open for cargo movement after the Mozambican authorities managed to address challenges with their systems to facilitate processing through the Ressano Garcia port of entry into Mozambique.

"The initial reopening of the port was to manage the movement of persons but this morning, the Mozambican authorities worked tirelessly to address cargo systems for smooth border processing," the BMA said.

Travelers have been warned to "remain cautious and stay informed of travel updates when planning trips to Mozambique".

"The BMA and SARS will continue to monitor the situation closely, ensuring smooth and secure port of entry operations for the benefit of all South African citizens and the broader trade community," the BMA said.

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