The Ministry of Health and Social Services, in collaboration with UNAIDS, have announced that about 228 538 Namibians are living with HIV.
This was recently announced in the Namibia 2024 HIV Spectrum Estimate.
The HIV estimates, which are released on an annual basis using the Spectrum Estimation and Projection Package (EPP) Model, revealed that about 79 627 men and 148 911 woman are living with HIV in Namibia.
"The EPP Model is an analytical software that gives output on the HIV epidemic status of the country.
"The model is used as a gold standard, efficient and acceptable data source which provides estimates that are representative of the entire population in the absence of population-based studies on HIV," the report says.
The report says inputs and assumptions which go into the model include: HIV historic data on surveys; routine programme data on HIV; and HIV population data.