Sudan: Remarks By Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield Following Russia's Veto of a UN Security Council Resolution On Protection of Civilians in Sudan

A ravaged Geneina in Sudan (file photo).
press release

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield

U.S. Representative to the United Nations

New York, New York

November 18, 2024


Remarks by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield Following Russia's Veto of a UN Security Council Resolution on Protection of Civilians in Sudan

Thank you, Mr. President. And thank you to Sierra Leone and the UK for your efforts in pushing forward this resolution.

It is shocking that Russia has vetoed an effort to save lives - though perhaps, it shouldn't be. They claim it is because of Sudanese sovereignty. But Sudan supports the resolution.

For months, Russia has obstructed and obfuscated, standing in the way of Council action to address the catastrophic situation in Sudan, and playing both sides - both sides of the conflict to advance its own political objectives, at the expense of Sudanese lives.

Today, the Council would have come together to call for a comprehensive, nationwide ceasefire; for increased protection of civilians; and removal of obstructions to the unhindered flow of humanitarian aid across Sudan.

Russia claims it is for and with Africans, but vote against a resolution supported by Africans, for Africans.

We would have demanded that the RSF cease attacks in El Fasher, Gezira, and elsewhere in Sudan. And called for both the RSF and the SAF to be held accountable for their commitments in the Jeddah Declaration.

It is unconscionable that Russia would callously and cynically stand in the way of demanding these actions - actions to save lives in the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

And we don't need to be lectured by Russia on hypocrisy. A hypocrisy that they exhibit everyday in Ukraine, where Ukrainian sovereignty is not being respected and civilian facilities are being attacked daily.

We are watching the situation closely and will continue to call out abuses and those who facilitate them, including, clearly, Russia. The Council must and should take action.

We must continue to amplify the voices of Sudanese people, who are calling for peace and prosperity, democracy and justice. And Russia can't stand in the way of that.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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