· Nation deploys 142,000 peacekeepers since Korea War
- Ethiopia's exceptional and unwavering commitment to maintain regional, continental and international peace and security was demonstrated at the Continental Peace Conference, the Ministry of Peace (MoP) announced.
Following the conclusion of the Continental Peace Conference organized in Addis Ababa, State Minister of Peace, Keyredin Tezera (PhD) said that Ethiopia's firm stance to regional, continental and global peace is steadfast.
"Ethiopia has deployed more than 142,000 peacekeeping troops to eleven countries since the Korea War," Keyredin said adding the country's consistency to contribute its role towards international peace.
In addition to deploying peacekeeping troops to different countries, Ethiopia organized a continental peace conference aimed at finding solutions for existing problems and to share experiences, according to the State Minister.
The continental conference which aims to building Peaceful and Prosperous Africa was attended by participants gathered from 22 different African countries, he mentioned.
He stressed that Ethiopia's new initiative shows the country's commitment to continue its contributions towards regional, continental and international peace.
Keyredin expressed that the conference was successful and countries like Rwanda, South Africa and Ethiopia presented their experiences of solving internal problems. Especially, the Rwanda's post-genocide peace-building efforts and the South African post-apartheid initiatives to bring peace and order were among the best examples.
He added that Ethiopia's initiative to host this continental event, dedicated to discussing Africa's peace and security, is an exemplary platform organized by a single state.