ADDIS ABABA - The government is reintegrating vulnerable returnees through providing essential facilities, psychosocial support and job creations to enable migrants get back to normal life, Ministry of Women and Social Affairs said.
State Minister Huria Ali recently told the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that her organization is facilitating the reintegration of returnees into the community to help them actively participate in economic activities and rebuild their life.
"We are working inclusively to benefit the vulnerable group of the society in social and economic aspects and create them a conducive environment to get social and health services."
In the rehabilitation process, the ministry first provides the returnees with a psychosocial support to mitigate the trauma they encountered overseas, and help them feel safe and secure, she said.
Additionally, the ministry facilitates shelter and training, reuniting migrants with their families to help them get back to normal life through exploiting job opportunities and other economic activities to improve their life, according to Huria.
She said the ministry is controlling irregular migration to safeguard citizens from making unsafe journey abroad.
Ethiopia is a country of origin, transit, and destination of migrants but some of them left the nation in an irregular manner thereby facing security problems including sexual assaults and the danger of sinking at the sea, according to the State Minister.
"We are bringing back migrants through a diplomatic approach communicating with other nations to return our citizens safe home," Huria stated.
IOM, Embassies and other partners are working with the ministry to reduce irregular migration and facilitate safe return, the State Minister added.