Luanda — Angolan First Lady, Ana Dias Lourenço, on Saturday in Luanda defended that "social responsibility" has to be at the centre of any enterprise's dealings.
Speaking at the ceremony of the second edition of the "Manuel António da Mota Prize", the First Lady emphasised the need for business enterprises to act in a sustainable manner and become agents of change, with a view to having an impact on the Angolan communities.
She also commended and highlighted the importance of the people and institutions that position themselves at the forefront of social actions.
Mrs Ana Lourenço deemed such organisations fundamental pillars in the support for the communities, offering hope and practical solutions, giving as example the case of the Manuel Mota Foundation.
She then explained that the current edition of the prize serves as a moment to celebrate solidarity, also to reflect and to get inspiration, so that everyone can help to build a more just and equitable society.
The First Lady also assured that she has been obserbing the impact that social initiatives have had on the lives of Angolans, which she deemed an enriching and inspiring experience.
The support to social causes, said the First Lady, plays an indispensable role in the constructon of a society with more solidarity and unity. She went on to recognise that each project and gesture of assistance is fundamental for the edification of the communities.
Thus, she exhorted business ventures to support social causes, for there are entities that with little resources and other difficulties engage themselves in taking comfort and assistance to the more vulnerable.
The 2nd Edition of the prize dubbed "Manuel António da Mota - Uma Vida em Angola", organised by the Manuel António da Mota Foundation in partnership with the construction company Mota-Engil Angola, aims to recognise, distinguish and support social solidarity institutions.
The event was attended by government officials and members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Angola.
In this 2nd Edition the top prize was won by the Paz e Fraternidade de Angola (ASPAFRA) Social Fraternity Association, which won USD 50,000 dollars.
The second and third positions were won by the organisations "Mwana Pwo", from the eastern Lunda-Sul Province, and "Caridade e Solidariedade com os Povos (CASP)" solidarity association.
Founded in the year 2016, in Luanda, ASPAFRA is an institution focused on countering social exclusion. It promotes access to education and health, acting in the community for the benfit of children, youth and families in vulnerable situation. CPM/QCB/jmc